The Foundations of Successful Packaging

The Foundations of Successful Packaging

12th Sep 2023

In today's globalised world, packaging has become an integral part of our world. Whether you're a business owner sending products to customers or an individual sending a gift to a loved one, packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring that your items reach their destination safely and intact. Not only that, but successful packaging is not only about protecting your contents but also about making a positive impression on the recipient. In this blog post, we'll delve into the foundations of successful packaging for shipping, providing you with tips and insights to ensure your packages arrive safely and leave a lasting impression.

cardboard box sizes

Choose the Right Packaging Materials

The first step in successful packaging is selecting the appropriate materials. Consider the following factors when choosing your packaging materials:

Box Strength: Use sturdy boxes that can withstand the rigours of transportation. Boxes that are too weak may collapse, damaging your items. Corrugated cardboard boxes are a great choice for items that are heavy or need extra protection.

Size Matters: Choose a box that is just the right size for your items. A snug fit reduces the chances of items shifting during transit. Use ASC Direct’s Box Builder to input the exact dimensions you need for the best fit.

Cushioning: Invest in quality packaging materials such as bubble wrap, biodegradable void fill, or cardboard inserts to prevent movement. These materials protect your items from impact and shock.

Sealing: Use strong adhesive tapes to seal your packages securely. Reinforce seams and edges to prevent accidental openings. Invest in a tape dispenser if you’re short on time and want to speed up your packing process.

Environmentally Friendly: Consider using eco-friendly packaging to reduce your carbon footprint and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Recyclable cardboard boxes are the most sustainable choice here.

bespoke packaging design

Communicate Your Brand

Successful packaging isn’t just about securing and transporting your items. True success is packaging that is also a marketing tool, carefully designed to boost your brand image and elicit emotion in the receiver.

Think of a brand that is immediately recognisable by its packaging. The biggest brands all have a distinctive quality in how they package and present their products that makes them so memorable. The red and white combined with the cursive font on a Coca-Cola bottle triggers your senses so you can almost taste the product; we associate the visual with our other senses. The swirl of the typography is also a nod to the smooth texture and delight when you eventually take a sip. The bold contrast of red and white was chosen to be synonymous with the brand. According to The Coca-Cola Company, ‘the enduring “promise” of the color red continues to inform Coca‑Cola’s contemporary approach to design, so much so that James Sommerville, VP of global design at Coca‑Cola, considers it the company’s “second secret formula”.’

The brand has also introduced attached bottle caps to promote recycling and reduce litter in a bid to become more sustainable. This may seem like a small change but in adjusting their product packaging, they are positioning themselves as a more environmentally-friendly company.

Your packaging tells a story, so it’s imperative you consider your packaging design carefully so your brand can be as bold and as memorable as the ones we all know and love. In order to do this, think about the following:

Visual Branding: The design and graphics on the packaging can immediately communicate the brand's identity, values and story. Consider using colours, logos and imagery that reflect your brand's history, mission or ethos.

Typography: The choice of fonts and text styles can evoke a particular era or mood. Vintage fonts can transport customers back in time, while modern fonts convey innovation and contemporary values.

Package Structure: Unique packaging structures, such as custom-shaped boxes or unconventional openings, can create a sense of curiosity and intrigue. They encourage customers to engage with the product and its story.

Product Presentation: How the product is arranged and presented inside the packaging matters. For example, a luxury product might be nestled in plush velvet, while a handmade item could be accompanied by a handwritten note or a certificate of authenticity.

Brand Story: Consider adding storytelling elements directly on the packaging, such as short anecdotes, quotes or snippets of your brand's history. These elements can help customers connect emotionally with your product.

Successful packaging goes beyond simply protecting your items; it's about delivering a positive experience to your customers or recipients so they keep coming back for more. Choosing the right box type and packaging materials is incredibly important, but it’s time to start thinking beyond traditional packaging. Upgrade your packaging design, nurture your customer relationships and boost your brand image today.
