ASC Direct supporting a local school Breakfast Club – One year on

ASC Direct supporting a local school Breakfast Club – One year on

30th Apr 2024

In May 2023 ASC Direct began providing a monthly donation to a local school Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club provides a nourishing breakfast with lots of healthy options to give the children the best start to the day. The Breakfast Club also provides the children with a safe place to play and ensures they are ready for study when the school day begins.

At ASC Direct, we are keen to find ways to support our community and make a difference. Most of our team live locally and it makes sense to consider the wider community when we are looking at sustainability and our impact on the environment. Helping existing organisations do more good work is a brilliant way for us to make a difference and provide that support.

We wanted to make sure our donations were useful and asked the School Administrator to give us an update. She confirmed, “Thanks to your very generous grant we have been able to offer an additional 10 children free Breakfast club places for the 38 weeks of the school year. These children are really benefiting from the routine of getting into school early and getting breakfast before they start learning. All of these children are from working families on low income, so this is a real help to the families as well”.

Ashley Power, Operations Director, ASC Direct confirmed, “It’s fantastic that our monthly support is helping more children and families. The Breakfast Club and their team do all the hard work – we just help in the small way we can. We will continue to support our local community.”

ASC Direct are committed to ongoing sustainability through local community support, achieving ISO 14001, planting trees with One Tree Planted and helping customers phase out single use plastic where appropriate.

How to get involved

1. Ask your team

  • Often members of your team will be involved with or have links to local groups or projects and many will welcome external support.

2. Approach your local council

  • Your local council will often be aware of initiatives happening locally and either be able to suggest projects or will know how to find them.

3. Check local press and social media

  • Often local charities and organisations will use local newspapers and magazines along with social media to promote their activities, events and fundraising efforts. 