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Is Your Packaging Supplier resilient?

Is Your Packaging Supplier resilient?

22nd Apr 2024

The Importance of Business Resilience in Packaging Production

In business, it’s impossible to predict every challenge. Business resilience planning covers everything from power and network outages to machine breakdown and supply chain problems. In fact, PwC state, ' 89% of business leaders recognise organisational resilience as an important strategic priority.' At ASC Direct, we understand our place in the supply chain and how having the right packaging in the right place is essential to the smooth and efficient flow of production.

The importance of packaging in maintaining workflow

For our customers, packaging is the last element of production, providing vital protection to high value products when transporting items from factory to factory or delivering to the end customer. If there is a problem with packaging supply, production has to stop.

After spending a great deal of time and resource into producing the best products, companies should not have to resort to unsuitable, oversized boxes or worse, items being transported without their protective coverings.

No single point of failure

One of the ways companies seek to mitigate against disruption is to adopt a policy of ‘No single point of failure’. This can be onsite, for example where team skill levels, types of machinery and power sources are duplicated in some way to provide a back-up of essential services. It can also be offsite, for example where a business recovery site is assessed and appointed. Each of these approaches has its own merits and depends very much on the business requirement.

ASC Direct and partner site Sandland Packaging

For ASC Direct, it was important our customers had the reassurance of a comprehensive back-up solution. This means that following any disruption, we were able to respond positively and proactively.

To provide business continuity for ASC Direct, we partner with  Sandland Packaging, a well-established sheet plant in Bilston, Wolverhampton manufacturing a wide range of corrugated packaging. They are a progressive company, similarly focused on quality and sustainability with both ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management. They are also certified carbon neutral.

Image of Sandland Packaging

Each company is able to support the other for all basic production requirements with specific benefits from this relationship:

Specialised bespoke packaging production

ASC Direct manufacture all packaging customised for customer requirements – meaning no oversized packaging or wasted materials. Sandland Packaging have the same bespoke packaging provision making them idea partners for support.

Wide manufacturing footprint

Sandland Packaging specialise in manufacturing bespoke packaging and have a wide manufacturing footprint – over 30 different machines at the last count – many of which mirror the production capability of machines at ASC. If we have any difficulty, with manufacturing, material or supply, we know we can call on them to help out. And we provide the same service in return.

Image of bulk manufacturing

Geographically separate

Sandland Packaging are based in Bilston, Wolverhampton. This strategic location ensures any geographical problems, such as extreme weather or localised power issues, experienced by one company will not be felt by the other.

Additional benefits of a strong back-up partner

An additional benefit of having a partner site is the collaboration and knowledge sharing between the two companies. By fostering a culture of mutual support and cross-training, we can harness our collective expertise to overcome challenges and drive innovation. This collaborative approach not only enhances operational resilience but also fosters a sense of unity and cohesion across disparate locations.

The importance of a continuity of supply for packaging cannot be overstated. A smooth, efficient production flow is maintained by the right packaging being available to immediately encase and protect the items. By partnering with a similar company ASC Direct ensure packaging production and deliveries are maintained to provide our customers reassurance and peace of mind. 

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About the author

James Palfrey-Smith is the Commercial Manager at ASC Direct with extensive experience in both operations and sales. James is passionate about solving packaging problems, delivering fast customer support, and building lasting relationships. Outside of work, he enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. A fan of real ale and business podcasts, he continuously seeks personal and professional growth. 

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